The REAL Reason Women Over 40 Experience Uncontrollable Weight Gain…

Have you gained a significant amount of weight now that you are a woman over 40? Does the weight seem to pile on at a rapid pace? Have you tried diet after diet without results? Have you counted and tracked every single thing you eat? Have you tried every style of exercise- without any results?

Did you visit with your doctor, and referred to various specialists- only to be told repeatedly that it’s menopausal and nothing can be done?

Have you been made to feel like you are crazy by physicians? Have you blamed yourself? Have you felt like the weight gain is because you are lazy? An overeater?

Have all your clothes become too tight? Are you consumed by the weight, unable to look at yourself in the mirror, or in photographs? Do you feel it in your core, in your intuitive soul- that something is wrong inside your body, even though so many doctors have told you there’s nothing wrong?

Have you said yes to any (or all) of this? You are not alone. I have too. For 5 very long years. You are 100% right. There is something wrong with your body, and I am here to help you understand what it is when not one doctor could help me.

Don’t worry, I am NOT selling you anything.

Ultimately, I want this back story of mine and what I endured- over the last 5 years to help women understand they are not alone. The weight gain is NOT their fault… that it’s really hard to exercise when you feel so very crummy…

In the late summer of 2015 we found out I was pregnant with our second child. Completely unexpected. I was 37, my husband 39. Our daughter Maya was nine. We had tried for a second child, but we were not successful. We figured it was meant to be. We were shocked for probably most of the pregnancy, but we were also very happy.

I had a wonderful pregnancy. In spite of high risk doctors calling it a geriatric pregnancy, I was in great shape. I was 145 pounds at 5’7 prior to getting pregnant with my son, Evan. I maintained a healthy weight throughout the pregnancy, and gained way less than I had with my first child, Maya – even tho I was only 28 then. Before I was pregnant with Maya, I was 127 pounds! Ode to youth!! I was very comfortable though, still, at 145 pounds at almost 40 years old and two kids. Our bodies change after all.

Evan was born a healthy and happy little fella in March of 2015. I turned 38 the following month of April. I nursed Evan for two years. During that time I lost most of my baby weight and fluctuated between 150-155. Looking back at pictures during his first two years I looked great, but more importantly felt good too.

When I stopped nursing I had just turned the big 4-OH. Within that year ahead I had gained ten pounds, which truly seemed to happen overnight. I had not changed my lifestyle. I have always been active. In my youth I was super into step aerobics and aerobics of any sort. I love hiking and walking and swimming. I work in the restaurant industry so even my job is physical. I do not, nor have I ever lead a sedentary lifestyle.

I have never been a big eater either. If anything, I probably don’t eat enough and needed a boost of nutrition. I tend to always have one big meal a day. Do I indulge at times? Of course, and sometimes more then usual. Such is life. The rapid ten pound weight gain seemed to appear out of the blue though. I took note and began to adjust so I could get back to my normal weight.

When I first got serious about losing ten pounds covid had made its debut. Shortly after lockdown went into place I began to exercise at home since covid closed everything, including the local Y where I was a member for years. I also started to explore Yoga more, and fell completely in love with adding it to my daily routine. I was eating well and exercising daily. Don’t get me wrong- the first two weeks of lockdown we definitely drank like fishes, but we reigned it back in because we couldn’t afford to live like that physically, or financially.

Then, ten pounds started to turn more into a 12-13 pound weight gain. A friend of mine was a rep for Optavia at the time and posted the program often. Optavia is a weight loss program where you eat their line of food strictly for 5 weeks, and are guaranteed to lose a minimal of twelve pounds. Great, I thought!! Sign me up.

I did not lose weight in those five weeks. Barely two pounds came off and I followed it all the way. I will admit I had trouble not drinking at all, and did have occasional wine in those five weeks, but no where near enough it would have hindered my results, or lack there of. I didn’t continue with the program. You can continue at the end of five weeks into a maintenance stage, but I chose not to. The food was pretty awful and I didn’t understand why I barely lost 2 pounds in the first place during the five weeks, so I decided not to torture myself any further. Yet, I saw success story after success story and I really felt like a failure.

Cue in weight watchers. I joined on the App. I diligently tracked everything I ate. I was cooking all meals via Skinny Taste recipes. I was annoying my family with “ Do you know how many points are in that” all too often. I incorporated more intense work outs doing HIT routines. I power walked. I cut down alcohol and even stopped completely for a month to test if it was tied to the weight gain. I did not lose an inch.

This continued for a long time. I tried paleo. Keto. The Mediterranean diet. Pescatarian diet. Intermittent fasting. I eliminated around 95% carbs. I took a lot of various supplements and vitamins and the weight continued to climb…160, 165, 170, 175, 185…

I had my annual gynecologist appointment. At the time my NP was the only doctor I saw on the regular. I explained to her that weight seemed to be rapidly piling on in spite of all my efforts. As much as I liked her, she was the first to blame menopause. She did agree to run some labs but told me if anything came back out of range, I had to promise to see the appropriate doctors. Agreed.

I was working back at the restaurant when I got a call a couple of days later with the nurse from my gynecologists office. She was so concerned and explained that my thyroid antibodies had been extremely elevated and that I needed to see an endocrinologist. She said “ This can definitely be a cause of your weight gain. It’s called Hoshimotos Thyroiditis”. I felt a huge amount of relief. It wasn’t my fault!

Hang on dear reader…

I went to see a primary doctor that I googled nearby with good reviews. She examined me, took more labs and sent me for a thyroid sonogram. Results showed I had a small nodule on my thyroid that she said was “Nothing to be alarmed about”.

She also said my thyroid antibodies were indeed elevated, but my thyroid panel was normal. She referred me to an endocrinologist, but made sure to remind me that it wasn’t pressing. She did not explain why my antibodies were elevated other than to tell me it was indeed Hoshimotos Thyroiditis, due to aging. Ugh. More age related theories. At least I had a condition I could research, and the weight gain had an explanation… or did it??

For the next 3 years I exhausted the diagnosis of Hoshimotos. I found a new primary doctor who is a really great doctor. I felt it was time to have a doctor help me navigate Hoshimotos. She referred me to two specialists. An endocrinologist and a rheumatologist.

Hoshimotos Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks itself- specifically the thyroid. Once the thyroid is destroyed, the body enters into Hypothyroidism. I had other abnormal autoimmune labs in addition to the Hoshimotos. My primary said specifically Lupus.

I saw the rheumatologist first. He barely looked at the labs my primary had sent him. He barely spoke to me. He dismissed my elevated autoimmune markers and did not want to hear anything about my consistent weight gain, or the Hoshimotos and he mumbled “exercise and diet”completely disregarding that I said in the initial work up that I exercise daily and ate well. It seemed I was wasting both his time..and mine.

He told me to come back in a year and he would recheck my markers then. I managed to ask- why did my primary doctor tell me I had lupus? To which he replied “It’s so minuscule I’d hardly call it a lupus diagnoses”.

Next up, endocrinology. I saw two different endocrinologists. The first one had outstanding reviews. It took months to get in to see him. When I finally did he consulted with me first at his desk. Asked me my history and typed everything we discussed into his computer. He also had my labs. After we discussed my history, he turned to face me and started with-

“Look, your thyroid antibodies are elevated, but your T3 and T4 are fine, as well as your TSH panel. I am not sure I can help you and to be honest- I am not taking on any new patients. What you are experiencing is a disease of the middle aged woman and unfortunately, nothing you can do about it.”

Are you seething with me, dear reader? Boy, he sure did not expect my reply, which went something like this…

“ Excuse me? First, why would you agree to the appointment and let your office take my copay if you knew you were not accepting any new patients? I expect a refund. Second, are you not going to even examine me while I am here? At the very least I would have expected you to examine my thyroid area, check the nodule I discussed?? What about order labs for yourself, or an updated thyroid sonogram as the only one I had was now 2 years ago?! My antibodies increasingly raise as shown in my labs, and you can’t be bothered to tell me anything other than it is menopause”?

I continued to end our appointment with-

“I have no idea why you have the high ratings that you do. I was really hoping that you were going to be the doctor to give me the relief I have been searching for, and boy was I wrong.”

I got up and left. He tried to interject and apologize, but I was too embarrassed by his dismissal and left the practice. A week later I received a script from him for a thyroid sonogram. I threw it away.

I got in my car after that appointment and let the tears fall for a few. My husband called to say “hi” and ask how it went at the doctors and I let the tears go even more. I told my husband that I have no faith left anymore in specialists, and that I am going to have to find the answers on my own.

Insert functional medicine doctor number one. My husband heard a commercial on the radio on his way to work about a local wellness center, with testimonials very similar to what I was experiencing. He convinced me to call them and felt strongly it was where I could get some help. At the time I was now experiencing:

  • Excessive weight gain
  • Anemia
  • Gerd
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Joint pain
  • Edema
  • Insomnia
  • Thyroid Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Severe PMS
  • Fatigue
  • Fibroids and uterine cysts
  • Pelvic pain
  • High blood pressure- which I never had in my life even during pregnancies. Was told it was now due to obesity.

Sound familiar?

Turns out the functional medicine doctor was a chiropractor my mom worked for when he was just starting out many years prior, when I was just a kid. He was so happy to reconnect with me. He did an extensive work up with labs. 25 pages worth to be exact. He had 3 different programs based on the results of the lab work. 3/6/9 months. Of course the programs were out of pocket and an expense we could not afford, but my husband encouraged me to try anyway.

I was started on a six month program. The doc explained that my inflammatory markers were high. He joked about my vitamin D being excessively low and asked if I lived in a cave. He jokingly asked “ What are you a bat??? I mean c’mon no wonder you feel like shit.”

I was the opposite of a bat. An avid gardener and a beach bum. A sun and light chaser. I love the outdoors and don’t feel normal in a day if I don’t go for a walk. Even in the winter months. So what was up with my Vitamin D? I had no idea. For the next few months I was on a 16 pill a day regiment of supplements, including vitamin D. I read the vitamin D is essential to help with weight loss. Maybe my low levels was causing the weight gain??! Sadly, it wasn’t… I was reaching…

As we approached the end of month five I decided to stop. We did a recheck and my inflammation markers did come down. My vitamin D did go up. But my weight? You guess it- continued to climb. We respectfully parted ways and although I believed in his theory of – fix the inflammation first and the body responds next…my body was not responding even slightly to my weight. It kept climbing.

You also follow a strict paleo diet during his program. Between that, hardly drinking and working out daily, I should have seen some weight loss. I saw nothing. I still reach out to him from time to time, but I was left searching, still, for the root cause of the non stop weight gain.

As I entered year 5 I was the heaviest I have ever been, even while pregnant. Weighing 205 pounds, so uncomfortable and miserable .. I felt lousy all of the time. Depression and anger were at the forefront of my life. I was so frustrated and confused. I cried almost daily to my husband

“Something is wrong inside my body! I feel trapped in someone else’s body! This isn’t me!!”

My poor coworker’s, and family, and friends. It was all I talked about. It is an awful, awful way to live. I felt ( feel) really helpless and that I am destined to be obese and unwell. I cringe looking at my patient portal to see all my ailments listed. All the specialists I was seeing. Gynecologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, hematologists, rheumatologists. I even saw an orthopedist to see why my knees were always swollen and heavy. To which X-rays didn’t show any explanation, I was even told by the orthopedist- it’s most likely due to the weight gain. 😣 My health was always a top priority. I could not believe this was me.

Almost there, you awesome reader you! Just a few more blocks…

I went back and forth with my primary. She is a compassionate and thorough doctor. Yet, I do think she was starting to diagnose me as dramatic and a hypochondriac. I could sense it in the way she became more clinical with me than empathetic. Against her better judgement though, she agreed to start me on thyroid medication, but she wanted me to get one more second opinion first, with an endocrinologist in the same practice. She said if he doesn’t want to write you a script for Synthroid then she would.

Last April of 2023 I went to see her recommendation. He too had excellent reviews. but I knew not to get too hopeful. He spent a good amount of time with me. Actually examined me and didn’t lead with the weight is menopausal. He did continue as all the other specialists had…you guessed it…your T3 and T4 are normal. Your TSH panel is good, I do not recommend thyroid medication at this time… but he also suggested something no one else had up until this point… Wegovy. No no no- that was not the answer for me, hang on..keep reading…

This endocrinologist explained to me- more like a sales pitch, or commercial ad…that my obesity was now causing serious health issues for my heart, which puts me at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke. He went on to say because of that I am a perfect candidate for Wegovy and insurance would cover it. I was reaching desperation at this time so I listened to his pitch a little more. When he was done explaining, and I had asked all the questions about side effects, and how long I had to be on Wegovy etc, I had decided it wasn’t for me. My answer seemed to surprise him.

Even at 205 pounds I was not pre-diabetic. My labs showed my glucose levels were excellent and I wasn’t even slightly in the pre-diabetic zone. I explained this to him as well as stressing the fact that I am not obese because I have an over eating problem and do not exercise. I finished our appointment with I appreciate the suggestion, but something is wrong with my body that Wegovy will not fix. And boy was I right. I had yet to find anyone who could figure out what.

I went back to my primary, and she started me on the first of many strengths of Synthroid. Against her better judgment, but she was willing to see if I would find some relief. I was toggling between Hoshimotos and Hypothyroidism. She called it sub clinical Hypothyroidism, which is – you have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, without the labs to confirm it 100% due to a “normal” TSH panel. I can never understand how my thyroid function is “normal” if it attacks itself on a daily basis? At least I can say we tried…

Summer months came and my family and I went to Vermont for a summer vacation. Our daughter was leaving for college in August and we wanted to spend quality time together. We found a great trail to explore in the mountains. Instead of making fun, happy memories, the hike became my rock bottom. I could barely make it up the mountain. The trail had a steady incline, and normally I’d be in the lead, but I was far behind my family, panting heavily and stopping every few minutes. I had not experienced any relief yet from Synthroid. Research suggests it can take 4-6 months to see relief and I was at month 3.

For some reason- my iron levels had plummeted to dangerous levels in spite of supplementation, which did not help my struggle to hike up the mountain either, but my body was failing me. I was so tired of trying to figure out why. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I was mortified during this hike and ended up being extremely emotional, needing my family to turn around and end the hike early. This was a very difficult time.

I was on Synthroid for 6 months. 25mg, then 50mg, then 75mg, 100mg, then 112 mg. I didn’t have any negative side effects until I was on the 112mg dose. I started to experience hyper activity, like an inner buzz. So my primary said we would have to go back to 100mg. I explained that I had yet to experience any relief with weight, or energy so couldn’t we stay on the 112mg?? I was willing to feel jittery and anxious and harm my body for a little while longer if it meant I could kick start some weight loss!

This is when my primary put her foot down and said no, that it was dangerous to stay on 112, especially since I was really not a candidate for Synthroid in the first place. Together we decided it was time to stop trying. I didn’t want to back track back down to 100 mg because I didn’t find any relief at that dose. I felt like the medication was doing more harm than good. My doctor agreed.

I was devastated. I was depressed. I had to find a way to accept that this is what my body had come to be. 205 pounds and climbing- some days by a pound or two more. I was 50 plus pounds passed my normal weight, and a weight I felt healthy and comfortable in.

I could not bare to look at myself anymore and avoided doing so completely. I bought clothes to hide just how heavy I had become. I started to give up. Why bother eating healthy if it doesn’t matter? Why abstain from alcohol? If I had to be this heavy and uncomfortable, why not have a buzz? Be happy. Even though I knew this was not the lifestyle for me.

I felt worse when I exercised. My knees were always heavy and I retained a lot of fluid in my body. I was literally being weighed down and held hostage in my own body…

Yet… There was always a little voice still cheering me on not to give up. I kept getting emails from a thyroid supplement company I had looked into years before. One of the emails caught my attention. The subject line said something like- why medication isn’t helping your Hoshimotos. I clicked on the email…and thank goodness I did!!

I would like to introduce you to Forefront Health. I am still NOT selling you anything. Don’t worry!!

Forefront Health is founded by Tom Brimeyer. He is a practitioner of functional medicine. His own health journey led him to discover ways that truly helped him feel better, and to live life with much more ease, energy, and optimal wellbeing.

I began messaging with Tom’s team asking numerous questions about Hoshimotos Thyroiditis. His team shared articles with me regarding all the ailments I had been experiencing the past six years: excessive weight gain, anemia, fluid retention, gerd, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorders, insomnia, etc, etc etc.

I explained the Hoshimotos Thyroiditis diagnosis and how impossible it has been to lose a pound for several long years. I shared everything I had been experiencing at length. When they replied, it was like everything went into slow motion. I was beyond stunned. They revealed so much information to me as to why my body wasn’t working.

Forefront Health explained that I would NEVER see results from any medication, supplementation, diet, or exercise regimen until I fixed one very important component inside my body…. That exercise would do more harm than good until one silent hormone was balanced within…here is the big reveal!

Estrogen Dominance

Forefront health sent me article after article their founder had written about estrogen dominance and it’s effect on the body. Every single condition I was suffering from- from fluid retention, to anemia, to excessive weight, Hoshimotos and even gerd was ALL connected to estrogen dominance. I couldn’t believe it!! I truly, truly couldn’t believe it!! My husband was sitting nearby as I read each article. He asked if I was ok- he said I looked like I had seen a ghost! I could not believe I finally had answers!!

Basically- the weight and the Hoshimotos was caused by an abundance of estrogen inside my body. How? Why? I do not know for certain- as for many of us estrogen drops as we age. Mine went up. There’s many theories as to why; environmental influences, and endotoxins are in everything, stress, large hormonal fluctuations…like I had experienced as an “older” mom who stopped nursing at age 40.

Estrogen can accumulate and build up- blocking very important functions within our bodies. Estrogen was completely blocking my hormone pathway, which decreased my thyroids ability to function properly, which then effected my metabolism. Hence the weight, and the Hoshimotos. Hoshimotos can then cause a slew of other problems. High estrogen has been linked to cancers , autoimmune diseases and many other health problems like the ones I was having.

It absolutely blew my mind that I saw two OB’s and neither offered to check my hormone levels. They both said hormones are impossible to track accurately and felt that checking them would not be an effective tool.

It’s true- hormones are hard to accurately track. But there are ways to measure and test estrogen even though they can fluctuate considerably. One test is called a Dutch Test. Not one doctor offered it to me. However, estrogen specifically?? It is documented extensively that either too little, or too much can cause serious health issues, for both women and men!

How they couldn’t connect the dots for me, and let me feel absolutely insane for years each time I spoke up was so disheartening. I was experiencing painful pelvic cysts, and fibroids for Pete’s sake! Both can be a symptom of estrogen dominance. The one gynecologist actually suggested a hysterectomy for my heavy flow, and painful, post cycle cramping. Major surgery, but no concerns about my hormones?

The first product Forefront Health recommended in their impressive line of help with Thyroid Problems is a B-12 complex. The liver- it is a huge component of a healthy body. Estrogen blocks liver function. If the liver can’t detoxify estrogen properly, it goes back into the body, wreaking havoc instead of leaving the body normally. A B-12 complex is the first step in helping the body detoxify not only the excess estrogen, but also any endotoxins that are also present from environmental sources.

Forefront Health has so many options to help those suffering from Thyroid disease and problems, even options for peri menopause and menopause. Even though I had exhausted the Hoshimotos diagnosis- something very intuitively told me it wasn’t my thyroid causing all these problems in my body.

It was like what came first- the estrogen, causing my thyroid to malfunction, or the Thyroid malfunctioning caused the estrogen to build up?? I wasn’t convinced that I needed to chose any of Forefront Healths Thyroid supplement bundles just yet. I started with the B-12 Complex first to see if it helped detoxify the estrogen properly and then I’d go from there. I was on my way to feeling better. Now, would the weight finally start to come off???

In October of 2023, shortly after stopping Synthroid, I started the B-12 complex from Forefront Health for about 8 weeks straight. I definitely felt a shift in my energy levels. The B-12 complex, in addition to iron supplementation really helped me start to feel better. I was finally starting to feel some very needed optimism. My energy started to climb again. I was able to work out daily. My mood had improved.

I began to read all I could on Estrogen Dominance instead of focusing only on Hoshimotos. I experienced every single symptom of estrogen dominance, basically all the issues I had been dealing with. Reading took me to a very helpful website called Hormones & Balance.

The Hormones & Balance website really led me to the solution I had been desperately searching for, and I have Forefront Health to thank for leading me to the root cause of it all! Finally, in February of 2024- the scale has moved in my favor! 🙏🏻

I have lost 8 pounds. Which may not sound like a lot, but to me it is everything! I couldn’t lose an inch for almost 6 years- 8 pounds is everything. My clothes fit better, and I feel really, really good. I have waves of fatigue still, but no where near the debilitating discomfort I was experiencing last summer. How did the weight FINALLY come off? Stay tuned…

I started a supplement that I had read about when I first started this battle. For whatever reason I did not think it was for me…but I guess everything has its reasons. The supplement is called Dim. You may have heard of it too?

Please keep in mind that this is what has started to work for me. It may not be the answer for you, but if you’ve suffered as I have there could be a connection for you too. Hormones need to be in harmony. They really are so important to the body, and when they are out of balance, the body suffers.

Finally, dear reader! We are nearing completion!! You are awesome for getting this far and I appreciate you!

I have been taking Dim since December 11, 2023. I probably should have waited till after the holidays to start taking it, but I was eager to feel better. Dim works best with some form of mild exercise like walking or yoga, as well as a good, decent diet and limited alcohol.

I might have seen results sooner had I started Dim after the holidays because, well, you know, all the overindulgence of food and spirits. Dim can take 2-4 months for some to feel relief, for me it began at the start of month 2. Maybe because my estrogen really, REALLY needed to be slashed. Something to note- Dim can be taken long term but usually around month 6 the estrogen levels should be reduced to a normal amount again. I plan to start a hormonal balancing supplement at month six. I will keep the blog updated with which product I chose. I don’t want my estrogen to drop too low, and experience low estrogen symptoms! They are difficult too. I want to keep my levels nice and balanced.

Please consult with a medical professional that you trust, and are comfortable asking before you start taking Dim- whether that be an herbalist or holistic doctor, functional medicine, or your gynecologist. Mine had never heard of it and looked at me like I was nuts, but that doesn’t mean yours will react the same.

I am taking 3 supplements- Dim, Calcium D Glucarate, and Sulforaphane. Links are attached below for which ones I’ve had success with. Amazon was a great way for me to stay in a comfortable budget when I began shopping for supplements to help with estrogen dominance.

I really do feel so much better. Finally!! It was quite the scary ride! I simply cannot thank you enough for being here and reading my story!! I really hope you find not only relief, but a camaraderie to know you are not alone, your are beautiful, and the weight isn’t fault!!!

Love & best wishes, Lisa ✨

These are the 3 supplements I started with that are helping my estrogen dominance weight gain.

Keep in mind Dim- should be taken between 100-200mg to start. Also, introduce each supplement separately. Start with the Sulforaphane first- for a week, then add the calcium D glucarate for the next week, and finally the Dim on week 3. Here’s a very helpful article about how these three supplements work well together.





4. I am currently using this B-12 complex. The Forefront Healths B-12 complex really kicked start my liver from detoxing estrogen, but I did not like that it had alcohol in it and the taste was really terrible. Sorry Tom 🥹

PRECAUTIONS: Dim can effect blood sugar levels. Please take note of that. Calcium D Glucarate can speed up the process of certain medications. Suggested dose is 150-300mg a day. Sulforaphane suggested dose is up to 500mg once a day.


Here is a link to the Forefront Health website. There are endless resources and their customer support team is absolutely outstanding. I have many articles from them regarding how estrogen effects anemia, high blood pressure and gerd. Just ask!

Here’s an article written by the founder who also suffered quite the health problems with his Thyroid. Here he writes about the connection to estrogen.

Here is an article regarding estrogen dominance and liver function.

More on Dim:

Thank you so much and good luck!! 🍀 It is possible!!!