Simple DIY clean air aromas

A couple of years ago I ditched the glade air plug ins and air & lung polluting, expensive air fresheners, and started to make my own.

The best part about making tour own air fresheners is of course how much better it is on your lungs, and wallets…but just how easy it truly is. I’m a no fuss, no frills type of gal and I use that approach with most of what I do. My way is basically just a template for y’all to create your own. First, let’s start with a simple basic air freshener. What will you need?

  1. Essential oil of choice. I use seasonal options
  2. Spray bottle of choice & size
  3. Rubbing Alcohol- optional

First, I fill my little spray bottle ( target for 1$ to a buck fitty) with filtered tap water or distilled. Good old pipe juice is fine too. I leave a little room to top with rubbing alcohol. The alcohol helps disperse the essential oil.

Next, add about 10-20 drops of essential oil. Put the top on and give it a good shake. Viola! Non toxic air freshener!

The added bonus? The aromatherapy the essential oil will add to the home is very beneficial. Not to mention most essential oils have an illness fighting, germ killing, bacteria preventing element to them as well.

I feel proud when I pass on by the cleaning product isle at the grocery store. I’ve saved a great deal of money on air fresheners and cleaning products.

Stay tuned, like & share my post for two more recipes! The BEST diy stain remover, and 100% bacteria killing all natural bathroom cleaner- you most likely have it in your medicine cabinet.

Thanks everyone!